Hi Federico and Gianni, I have used a new dataset with the only value that I need (previous week) and join it to one of my existing dataset to filter the data in my data flow. Thanks to both of you. Jean-Pierre
Hi, I've already tried to add such a permission (Scheduling Workbook) and it does not work. Does anyone succeeds in add ing such a permission to a user-defined application role ? Thanks. Jean-Pierre
For those having the same concern, after checking the different "French Locale", there is one which does the trick : "Français - Luxembourg" All the others are using the space as the thousand separator which is not correct IMHO. Regards. Jean-Pierre
We also need that capability at RTBF. Thanks
Thanks a lot Federico.
Thanks for your information. But I am looking for detailed information about the different options like the Rate, P90, ... statistics. I would like to estimate if the "Request Capacity" is sufficient with our OCPU configuration. Regards. Jean-Pierre
Thank you Federico and Gianni, I have raised a Service Request. Best regards. Jean-Pierre
Hello Federico, I have done some new tests from scratch with a new semantic model based on our Redshift connection. The issue is still the same : the Redshift connection seems to use the ODBC 3.5 connection type ! the relative filter use the following where clause : T5."date" <= TO_DATE('2023-11-27' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') using…
Hi Federico, We are using the november release. Regards. Jean-Pierre
Hello Gianni, You will find the screenshots in th following attachment. Just to be clear, i'am using a semantic model for tthat visualization. Regard. Jean-Pierre
Hi Federico, I Apologize for that, here is the PDF. Best regards. Jean-Pierre
Hello, Does anyone have some explanations since we are using a semantic model and not a dataset ? Thanks. Jean-Pierre
Hello, Please find in attachment th detail of the queries generated : 1) without any filter (so giving the complete year of 2023); 2) with a explicit filter on 3 days (from 20/11 to 22/11); 3) with a relative filter of 4 days to get the days from 20/11 to 22/11). The last one give us an error, number of rows exceeded.…
Hi, We have the same kind of issue : a dataviz created in english is not displayed in French User Interface. Regards. Jean-Pierre
Hi, I can indeed bind a parameter to a "Dashboard Filter" to store the selected value (in my cas the date selected by the user in the parameter "P_DATE_VALEUR"). Then I would like to get the corresponding week in the date dimension table. So I try to create another parameter with the following "Logical SQL Query" : SELECT…
Thank you Gianni and Ezequiel, I know how to proceed now. Regards. Jean-Pierre
@Michal Zima Hi Michal, I have just voted for your Idea which is indeed also our need. I will produce a document with some detail of our use case and will share it with you and the Analytics team. Best regards. Jean-Pierre
Hi, If we can indeed use the JDBC connection to Denodo views, the reload of the Dataset failed in error. So actually it's unfortunately unusable and we are still waiting for the connection to Denodo to be fully functionnal because our data architecture is based on Denodo and without a quick solution to that issue, this…
I've done some further testing and could manage the following use case : promoting from one environment to another a shared folder that contains visualizations and classic artifacts, with the Dataset(s) and the Connection(s) used by the visualizations. The process that fully works is : * archive the folder located in…
Indeed importing in the target environment the dva file of a folder brings both the DV pieces and the classic artifacts. The last trouble is that the folder is restored in "My folder" instead of "Shared folders". I could move it but then the path to the artifacts in the dashboard page are wrong and I have to replace them…