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Newuser1 Rank 4 - Community Specialist



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  • Hi Christian, thanks for the reply find the below comments. ---- Column we are using Start_Date and converted to month year format (SEP 2010) in RPD level. ---- Directly using from RPD level in the OBI report and Graph. ---- Also we are using converted date format as prompt, for getting last 3 months data by default into…
  • Hi Gianni, Thank you its working its working.
  • Sql query working in DB, trying convert in report facing below issue SQl Query: Select bill_dat, case when instr(bill_dat,'/') > 0 then to_date(bill_dat ,'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM') else to_date (substr(bill_dat, 1,8),'YYYYMMDD') end from sample OBI Logic: case when INSTR("sample"."bill_dat",'/') > 0 then…
  • I’m trying to convert below DB query into OBI logic facing issue to convert To_date function was there any different syntax I have use in OBI. Case when instr(bill_DATE,'/') > 0 then to_date(bill_DATE ,'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM') Thanks,
  • @Gianni, Thanks for your response, for now we have to do this in RPD level later it will be taken care from back end I will try with case statement. Thanks,
  • Hi All, Apologies for late reply. Thanks for your suggestions. By using repository documentation I have achieved my requirement by doing manually. Thanks,
  • Hi Mahesh, My requirement is , suppose we have 20 dashboards(around 100 reports) and few adhoc reports these reports are getting data from 250 physical tables. Here we want to make a list of tables used by the dashboard reports (100 dashboard reports) not the other reports . Hope it makes sense. Thanks,
  • Hi Joel, Thanks for your reply. Please find the below scheduler log, also even presentation sever is up but BI application was down. [2017-12-13T01:32:43.000-08:00] [OracleBISchedulerComponent] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: ] [tid: bed47720] [68008] Scheduler Error: [[ Current Table: S_NQ_JOB. [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code:…
  • Thanks for the reply. We have checked steps every fine, and need clarification that in the below locations where we need to create the customMessages folder for placing the xml file. 1. Home>\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\web\msgdb\customMessages 2.…
  • Hi Christian, Thanks for your reply. Proxy table was imported and able to view data in RPD and XML file was valid. We do not have cluster environment. Can you please confirm from the below locations where I need to create customMessages folder may be location of the file might be wrong. Version using: OBI…
  • Hi Sayed, Thanks for your help. After increasing space in the drive and fresh restart of services resolves the issue. Thanks, 
  • Hi Syed, Thanks for your reply. Done the changes as suggested but still facing the same issue.Please find the below scheduler logs and can you please suggest on this [2017-05-24T05:10:32.000+03:00] [OracleBISchedulerComponent] [ERROR:1] [] [] [ecid: ] [tid: a70a4720] [nQSError: 17011] SQL statement execution failed. [[…
  • Hi Christian, Thanks for your time. I have go through the link which you have shared,but our requirement is need to export the report into shared location in excel format that should be accessible for the users. Thanks,
  • Hi Syed \ Thomas, Thanks for your reply . Issue got resolved able to merge the changes into Master RPD. Thanks,
  • Hi Syed, Thanks for your reply. Please find the below steps which we have done. 1. We have Master RPD in DEV envr copied the same in PROD envr as well. 2. For DEV RPD we did the changes and compared with PROD RPD and generated the Patch.xml file. 3. To apply the patch, opened the PROD RPD merged the patch file after…
  • Hellow All, Apologies for the delay reply. Thanks for your inputs. I have achieved the above requirement using combined similar request. I have created 4 criteria's and applied all my filters\logic for time column at each level. Thanks ,
  • Hi User, I do not know whether this will help in your case, it was worked for me few months back try the below steps and let us know. * Take SQL query for the prompts, which you are using in the reports. * Created agents (using the prompt SQL) with DDB (direct database request) and enable cache seeding option in…
  • Hi User, Try the below steps and reference links, and let me know the status * If the BI Scheduler cannot ping the mail server specified in the scheduler configuration, check the correct server is specified. If it is, check that it is up and running. * 2. If the user name and password are specified in the scheduler…
  • No, It's not refreshing in report level we cleared both presentation and RDP cache . Does any thing we need to do from RDP level ...?
  • Hi Srini, Thanks for your reply. Refresh interval was set for 4 Hrs .