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Hi , @DhanashreeG if data does not exist in a specific column, don't think any feature is available to make the report job fail with warn/error. Alternatively, you may try adding a trigger in the data model. In the trigger write a query to check for not-null on the respective custom columns. So that the job won't initiate…
Hi @User_Y2R87, Try below: === Select TO_CHAR( ADD_MONTHS( TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YYYY') , LEVEL-4 ), 'YYYYMM' ) Month FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 12 ==== Best Regards, Raghavan
Hi, Which Subject Area(SA) are you using? Do you mean to say, that no separate columns are available in that SA? Regards, Raghavan
Hi, Generally {$SYSDATE()-1$} means the previous day, I don't think hours can be deducted. Let's see if anyone shares some info on this. Regards, Raghavan
Hi, To understand more about the access issue. Create a new user and assign an Employee role, BI admin role and check whether you can set up an FTP connection. Oracle Fusion BI: How to Add the BI Administrator Role to a user. (Doc ID 2238277.1) Regards, Raghavan
Hi Nita, What do you mean by ' it's possible to write log files for Custom ESS BIP job or not?' can you please elaborate more? Regards, Raghavan
Hi, Check this thread if it helps: Regards, Raghavan
Hi Sharmila, >You may create a BIP report and pull UCM attachments. How to create Custom UCM datasource To Retrieve The Text Attachments for PDF ? (Doc ID 2643214.1) PRC:PO: How To Customize The Data Model To Retrieve The Text Attachments From Ucm And Display Them In Po Pdf? (Doc ID 2384563.1) >The same can be delivered to…
Hi Anil, It is not possible to customize the roles as needed. You may review below doc for more information on the predefined BI roles : Regards, Raghavan
Hi @Krishnaveena Ramavath, Generally user-defined infolets has feature to enable new infolets but other product pages don't offer such functionality/options. Do you see any plus/Add icon when you edit the same(Contract Management home page) in page composer? Regards, Raghavan
Hi Oguri Sasirekha, Check if you are referring to the same requirement: Regards, Raghavan
Hi Justin, The below doc also be helpful if you are looking for tracking the "Delete, Archive, and Unarchive" of reports. Fusion Applications - How to Track Delete , Archive and Unarchive Events In BI (Doc ID 2930706.1) Regards, Raghavan
Hi Chris, I understand you are asking the question 'Is OPC-to-OCI migration of CNS completed for all data centers? '. This question needs to be answered by support, you may reach out via an SR. Regards, Raghavan
Hi @azodpe which product you are using? is it SaaS? ex: Fusion HCM/GL/SCM etc.. Regards, Raghavan P
Hi Maria, Have you tried clearing the cache and retest? Administration-> Manage publisher -> Click "Clear Object Cache" and 'Clear Metadata Cache'. Regards, Raghavan P
Hi Ben, Have you tried 'rownum' in the where clause? ex: select * from emp where rownum<4; Regards, Raghavan P
Hi Ben, Check if you have created params with the name pFrom and pTo in Datamodel ->Parameters section. Regards, Raghavan P
As Gaurav mentioned check all the above points. This thread may helpful: https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/discussion/comment/745414#Comment_745414
You may review: https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12211/bip/BIPRD/GUID-43E24DE3-F1DE-47E1-8B2F-C8ED59D619BA.htm#BIPRD3068
You may review helpcenter doc: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/otbi/otbi-user/automate-business-processes-using-agents.html#GUID-BA104216-A570-4A45-824F-50962AB389D9