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Try using column data formats or else use string functions as Mr. Gianni suggested.
convert it char and then validate.
How about Column's data format?
Use AnalysisGet Recipients from the Analysis Used in the Agent ConditionAnalysis Try to use user loginId in the report and use above option in Recipients tab if that works.
Try like below ( ($2-$1)*1.00)/$2
Can you try the same steps what you did in Pivot table without RSUM? I think you'll understand after that. If not helping! thank you for your time.
I mean to say SIGMA or aggregation as you pointed with RED arrow
If you are Summing again in Pivot which means no point of using RSUM.
I would suggest to do customization bits and pieces instead of whole at once. Error is at Line:2, Col:1874, Attribute 'boundingLayerID' is not declared for element 'container'
if you are still looking for solution then, try this. Just putting it simple once you get the data then you need to format the data as ##-##-#### using Data Format in short : msum(EndDate ,2)-EndDate in detail: MSUM((cast(replace((Cast(DayofMonth(EndDate) as char)||cast(Month(EndDate) as char)||cast(Year(EndDate) as…