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If there is only the one analysis in dashboard section, it's possible not to show this analysis at all setting condition for dashboard section (condition based on the same analysis, when # of rows>0) and show the other section with text "no data found" with condition based on same analysis (when # of rows =0). Condition…
add ||case when week_of_year(current_date)<10 then '0' end||
You can create catalog report with Catalog Manager (Tools-Create report) with analysis name and its columns. And then you can filter this report to find all analysis with your column. The same for filters, prompts and other objects
I think, you need to create 2 logical tables in BMM layer: 1. Fact (table source is Table 1) 2. Dimension (table source is table 2 join table3 join table 4 join table 5 join table 6 join table 7) Then create link between these tables in business model diagram.
in bursting sql use somthing like CAST(CURRENT_DATE AS char(10))||'your_name' for OUTPUT_NAME
Hello. I have the same problem. Have you any solution?
Hello. Have you any solution for the problem?