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Hi @User_1BMP8 Audit columns like LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATED_BY will help you find the information you are looking. Regards Venkat
Hi @Dawn Cawston - CPS Not sure whether you are able to resolve this issue. If not, you can give it a try by creating a new column with expression in your report with a RANK function. Idea is to Rank the employees based on the working pattern start date and filter rank=1 to get the first working pattern record to see the…
Hi Yes, it is possible. With out converting to sql means you mean selecting the option "Convert this filter to SQL"? Yes by clicking the AND condition will change the filter to OR and we can keep adding nested OR filters as shown Regards Venkat
ok, I'm not sure whether applying max() is functionally the correct way to eliminate multiple records with duplicates.. Technically yes, it helped to remove duplicates.. It should be handled via date criteria or some other additional conditions to eliminate the multiple records for the same employee for performance rating…
Hi @AjayKumar Maddipati I presume you are using Workforce Performance - Performance Rating Real Time subject area to build this report. In your report along with Performance Rating.Rating Level.Rating Level, can you also use date from and date to check if those null records has any active date tracking. In that case, you…
Hi @satya_nvs You could achieve this by using regular expression in the reporting column expression to separate alphabets from string of characters. E.g. To extract numbers EVALUATE('REGEXP_REPLACE(%1,%2)',"Fiscal Calendar"."Accounting Period Name",'[^[:digit:]]') To extract alphabets…
Hi @Stefan pettersson You could define the formula as below No of Positive Values: SUM(CASE WHEN "Facts"."Amount">0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) Count of All Values: count("Facts"."Amount") % of Positive Values: (SUM(CASE WHEN "Facts"."Amount">0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/count("Facts"."Amount"))*100 Have used both table view and pivot view…
Hi You could select each of the set operation and click on the filter button above as highlighted to see the filters applied Regards Venkat
Since your requirement is to pivot the data (rows to columns), then you could create a pivot table view while creating the report instead of table view. I suppose that will solve your issue Regards Venkat
Hi, Please check this oracle doc id in support.oracle.com You may find this useful. Oracle Fusion Recruiting Cloud: OTBI: How to Report on Request Information Questions and Responses (Doc ID 2693295.1) Subject Area: Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time Dimension/Folder: * Job Application > Request Info Questionnaire Responses…