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Ah "applications" as in job application…i see…thought you meant application setup. Sorry not sure on that we don't use recruitment - isn't there a recruitment SA where can report on application statis? - create a report then look at the SQL then use that if need a BIP report? or can just create a BIP report using a data…
What is an incomplete application? You mean some module which config isn't complete? not sure how you can tell that - alot of functionality is optional
hi yes - how have you created the report? just take it out of that. eg if via the GUI, just don't include it - person_id excluded in example below Or if created a RTF template just don't included those fields don't want in the template
Presume you mean via sql? Manager is obtained via table per_assignment_supervisors_f. Smple query below for an Emps manager If you want the manager's manager - you just need to add the relevent tables again and do required joins. (or could also do a hierarchical level query) select ppf.person_number, ppfsup.person_number…
hi the question in the post was how to combine SAs. If you are getting an error - that is a different question. Suggest you provide further details / sample XML etc and explain what you are trying to achieve
Click on the "Add subject area" icon
ah yes sorry i misunderstood the initial question….not sure if that is achievable then
hi yes …so just try the same solution as for analytics - removed the pod info…. i don't know if this will work or not but its worth a try
hi no process im aware of - its instantaneous for me - ie set a SA to "deny" > create new analysis > SA now not visible. I have all the top level roles too - admin, integration ,security manager etc and the "deny" works for me. Sorry, not sure what else to suggest
I have BI admin and cant see it once denied - thats what we do for all the SAs that we dont use…just try it out…presume you have test envs
Hi - its works for me - try clearing your browser cache etc I can only see what has been granted
hi you need to go to Admin> Manage priviledges - if you dont have this option, you need to get the BI admin role. Once there. just set the permissions as required…. If you want to hide a SA area for everyone, say because you don't use that Module, just change the permissions to denied
Hi we had similar requirement for a tile link to analysis. Solution was to remove the POD info from the URL eg instread of https://<yourpod>/analytics/saw.dll?….. change to https:../../analytics/saw.dll?…… then don't need to change during P2T See if that works for you
https://support.oracle.com/support/?kmContentId=2721576 on here too https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/discussion/40249/hcm-otbi-subject-areas-to-database-lineage-mapping-spreadsheet/p1
few hits on that too…try this https://community.oracle.com/products/oracleanalytics/discussion/19847
Have you searched the forum? https://community.oracle.com/products/oracleanalytics/discussion/23294/
@Nathan CCC does that meet the requirement though? A mandatory prompt doesn't stop the query from running , it just means if there user is going to enter any prompts that one is mandatory? eg prompt is mandatory but all results are initially returned
hi - another way is just to set one of the prompt values to a value that doesn't exist. eg say one of your prompts is for person number, then in the analysis, you probably have a filter "Person number is prompted" - change this to say "Person number = xxx", then when the dashboard opens - it will open with no data as "xxx"…
Hello- can you not get all that info from the one "Assignment real time" subject area? (You should try and just use one if possible -avoids aditional joins which could maybe then result in aggregraiton issues ). If using the Person subject area for "person count" - just create your own in the Assignment SA -…
Nathan re: Effective dates - this is the issue with Global transfers - the old pre-transfer record is still active (end date 31/12/4712) - which is why both records then get returned - they are both "current" so nothing to do with changing the session variable etc. Oracle provide the GT functionality but we've had so many…