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Financial Consolidation and Close
Discussion List
Trying to copy data from Account and Movement dimensionSummary: We are trying to copy data from :FCCS_Retained Earnings ->FCCS_TotalOpeningBalance to Account SOCIERE->STATMVMT_OpBal using the below script but the script is i…
Copy prior year Exchange ratesSummary:I want to copy average rate from Prior year Dec month and Ending rate from prior year current month into different scenario. Standard copy data function will fet…
Populating Target account using successive addition methodSummary: Populating target account SCII and movement member STATMVMT_DTHR from source account 72300,Sum of Two movement members (STATMVMT_PLDTAX and STATMVMT_SORIE) and …
Constant currency business ruleSummary: Need help with constant currency business rule Content (required):I am new to fccs and have business requirement of constant currency. I have tried translation …
Loading Revenue and Assets in positive and Expenses, Liabilities and Equity in negative values.Summary: Loading Revenue and Assets in positive and Expenses, Liabilities and Equity in negative values. We have setup all accounts are Revenue and Assets in CoA and eve…
Load YTD data for BG accounts in JanuarySummary: Content (required): Hi guys, Is there any way of loading data YTD for balance accounts in January. We have tried several ways, but we can't find a proper one. W…
FCCS Debit Journal to Liability or Equity account gets signed as negative after ConsolSummary FCCS Debit Journal to Liability or Equity account gets signed as negative after ConsolContent FCCS Debit Journal to Liability or Equity account gets signed as ne…
After DSO Convertion, do we need to recononsolidate all prior historic period reported data?According to Oracle´s documentation after a Dense Sparse Optimization, it is obligatory to re-consolidate the entire historic data reported periods. Since the new DSO cu…
Trial balance with Multiple currenciesSummary: Content (required): Hi guys, Our client extracts from the ERP a trial balance with multiple currencies, and then, in Excel, they make the currency conversion. I…
Does Hourglass model for Legacy Essbase apply to FCCS as well?Hello Oracle, Trust you are doing well. We had something called as Hourglass Model in the Legacy Essbase or Old Essbase or On-Premise Hyperion Essbase which was an Oracl…
What's New in Oracle Cloud EPM Release 21.12Summary: Learn about what's new in Oracle Cloud EPM Release 21.12. Content (required): Please refer to the December 2021 What’s New guide to understand the new features …
Importing closing balances to consolidateSummary: We have FCCS module to use but have been unsuccessful in executing data. The main issue is just trying to get data imported to run a consolidation. I can perfor…
[Data Integration] Using a dense dimension as the Source Dimension for multiple Target DimensionsHi everyone, I am trying to use a dense dimension (Account) as the source for multiple target dimensions in a data integration. This is in the context of a data extract …
Need to avoid an impact status after launched an ODRSummary: Content (required): Hello All, I need to write an ODR that runs after save on a data form, below a sample script. I would like this rule to only run on FORE_STA…
Calculation sourcing from YTD viewSummary: What's the best practise for calculation sourcing from the YTD view Content (required): The requirement is to calculate e.g. tax expense for the annual notes (T…
Please help - Question from a Partner - Purchase Document ApprovalsSummary: Can someone please assist? A partner is asking this: Content (required): Purchase Document Approvals - Please kindly move to the Procurement Workshop Client cur…
Data Encryption at RestSummary: What is the current position as to how EPM Cloud treats Data Encryption at Rest Content (required): Hi All, Is the following still correct as to how EPM Cloud E…
Error: Journal is not balanced by currency **** when post journal.Summary: Enable FCCS_Translated Currency Input and create a Journal with different Base Currency Entity. Hit Scan and show error. If I use the same Base Currency Entity,…
How will documents uploaded to cloud be stored?Summary: Content (required): With Dec 2021 update announcing that documents can be uploaded to cloud, will these be backed up in snapshot? will they be lost during app r…
Does FCCS allow input using data form directly at Entity Conso Level (Not Journal)Summary: We have a requirement to input data directly at Conso level. Content (required): Does FCCS even allow input at Entity Conso level ? After selecting "Allow Upper…
Alternate Entity Hierarchy only Consolidates with Force Consolidate Rule.Hi All, we have an alternate Entity Hierarchy with mostly shared member base level entities and some other base level not in the primary hierarchy, we also use the appro…
Approval Workflow only show Lock / UnLock when change statusSummary: After start the approval workflow, once the Entity Owner change status on a particular entity, the change status dropdown box only shows LOCK / UNLOCK. PROMOTE …
Consolidation - system calculation optionsSummary: Why clicking only on Save, without selecting any top custom member, would change calaculation status to system changed. Content (required): The FCCS admin guide…
Problem with Manage ApprovalSummary: Hi All, I have a problem with Manage Approval section. In my FCCS application, for August Closing I created a new entity (code 07). Until June 2021, the entity …
View member specific rule/formulaSummary: Content (required): I'm working on an implementation from HFM to FCC where the client have a rule that is pulling in Periodic data from a custom member and is p…
Can we load nulls instead of zeros for periodic movements for Balance Sheet Accounts?We are in the new enterprise pod (hybrid cube DSO enabled) any impact on loading nulls instead of zero?
FCC Block Creation IssueSummary: Hi All, I'm trying the below rule to move data from Custom1 Top member (right side) to a specific Custom1 base member on the left side for all the level 0 membe…
How long should we expect our system to be unavailable for each monthly update?Summary: We need to turn off automation during the monthly update outage window. How long does the monthly update take? Content (required): We need to turn off automatio…
When will "Cell Level Security" be available in FCC?Summary: In PBCS and Tax Reporting I can see this feature already. I thought this feature would be rolled out for FCC as well. Content (required): Version (include the v…
How adjustments to FCCS_Mvmts_NetIncome addback worksSummary: We are loading the P&L balances as per the movements hierarchy, however we would need an ability to load all the P&L accounts to FCCS_Mvmts_NetIncome and also l…