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General Ledger & Intercompany
Discussion List
Using the same value set in GL and FA Key flexfieldSummary Has anyone used the same value set in the General Ledger and Fixed Assets Key flexfield?Content The chart of accounts has a segment called "Shop". In Fixed Asset…
Back Dating TransactionsSummary Cancellation of invoices with actual DateContent Hi all, I'm new on this platform and would like to have some help on AP module. Actually i'm using Fusion R12 an…
Advantage of Balancing RulesSummary Advantage of Balancing RulesContent Balancing segment ensures that all journals balance for each balancing segment value. General ledger automatically calculates…
Reversing Accrual Journal Entries on a Specific DateSummary Auto-Reversing Accrual Journal Entries on a Specific DateContent We run the auto reversing journal entries and we want them to reverse on a specific date. For ex…
Creating General Accountant Read only / Inquiry roleSummary Creating General Accountant Read only / Inquiry roleContent We will like to create General Accountant Inquire or General Accountant View only role for data extra…
R13 - Export to Excel - Output is Incomprehensible SymbolsSummary In R13 environment the output from export to Excel functionality is garbageContent In our R13 environment, we find that the output from the Export to Excel funct…
Journal Approval HierarchySummary I want to do a journal approval hierarchy by userContent I want to do manual journal approval hierarchy "First approve first win" by user but i don't know which …
Journal Approvals - Need to route to Approval Manager if not found then to Line ManagerSummary Journal Approvals - Need to route to Approval Manager if not found then to Line ManagerContent Hi, We have the following requirements for Journal approvals (clie…
R13 Journal approvals using journal categorySummary How to route journal approvals by journal category in R13Content Looking for the attribute to use in the condition browser for JE Category, more specifically use…
Submit Journal Approval Questions to Have them Answered on 11/12/2015Summary Submit your questions on Journal Approval before 11/11/2015Content Oracle Fusion GL PM team is conducting a training session on Using Journal Approval in Oracle …
DRM & Ledger Hierarchy ValidationSummary Hierarchy ValidationContent We currently use DRM to manage or Ledger Hierarchies, Chart etc. There have been times when successfully publishing a hierarchy from …
Default Value Set Code in Structures and Structures InstancesSummary Change Default Value Set Code in a segment of the StructureContent Hello, I have a doubt: I have changed the Default Value Set Code in the Natural Account segmen…User_2025-01-31-02-26-28-195 118 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-02-26-28-195
Issue running create accountingSummary We are able to run create accounting in all of our instances EXCEPT DEV2. We used to be able to run it in DEV2 but now it doesn't work...any thoughts before I cr…
Allocations or something else?Content We have a requirement where we get a report of our head count count for each month beginning and end since our HR data is not there in Oracle. Then we take avera…
Recurring JournalSummary Recurring JournalContent Hi Gurus, I would like to understand the possible options/functionalities for creating a recurring journal in cloud GL. my requirements …
Problems with export to Excel in Fusion General Ledger Release 13Summary Release 13 Fusion General Ledger Export to Excel is Not downloading in English while in Chrome and IEContent Supposedly this is a known bug (see MOS note 2348602…
Transfer Source Line DFF to GL linesSummary Is it possible to transfer DFFs to GL lines?Content Hi all, Can we transfer source transaction lines DFFs (Payables / Receivables) to GL lines? If not, is there …
Is it possible to use Invoice distribution sets on the GL Journal ADFDI??Summary Is it possible to leverage the AP Invoice Distribution Sets when entering GL Journals via Journal ADFDI?User_2025-01-28-17-37-15-767 42 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-17-37-15-767
Financial Reporting Center (FRC) is part of Fusion FinancialsSummary Financial Reporting Center (FRC) is part of Fusion FinancialsContent HI, Financial Reporting Center (FRC) is part of Fusion Financials? Or To use FRC (Financial …
Is Hedging functionality available in ERP Cloud?Summary Is Hedging functionality available in ERP Cloud?Content Hi, Does anyone know if hedging functionality is available in ERP Cloud and if yes, where can I find more…User_2025-01-30-19-38-57-915 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-19-38-57-915
Cross Validation Rule FiltersSummary Cross Validation Rule FiltersContent Hi, I am trying to create a cross validation rule in Oracle cloud that says a company can NOT use a range of accounts. I use…
Enterprise structure issues BU, LE and Inventory Org.Summary Enterprise structure issues BU, LE and Inventory Org.Content Hi Experts,Need your help 1) How can we capture Input Tax Credits (ITC) and claim the same (i.e. the…
Issue with Allocation Rules after P2T (Production To Test Refresh)Summary Issue with Allocation Rules after P2T (Production To Test Refresh)Content Hi Folks, Every time after Production to Test refresh some of the allocation rules erro…
Journal Approval workflow using SingleTypeParticipantOneInParallelModeRuleSet vs. SingleTypeParticipSummary Journal approvals are going to Completed with ErrorContent We are having some issues with the journal approval process. It was working perfectly this morning and…User_2025-01-28-07-32-47-003 99 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-07-32-47-003
How to block accounts from manual journal entries.Summary We need to be able to block accounts from manual JEs for Intercompany entries, therefore theoretically there would be a zero balance for trading between entities…
Fusion AllocationsContent We are trying to create an allocation and the end result is producing a negative # in the credit column. Is it possible for it not to generate a negative #?
Legal Entity Setup and Intercompany accountingSummary Legal Entity Setup and Intercompany/Intracompany accountingContent If we had a transaction from company 10010 to company 10001 as well as 10003 (10001 and 10003 …User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 113 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-22-30-06-981
Year End GL ClosureSummary First time Year End GL ClosureContent My client is doing first time year end GL Closure. Does they have to do any additional steps (compare to the month end clos…
Legal Entity - Business unit mappingSummary We have over 160+ legal entities (LE) we are looking for mapping business units to LEContent Hi, We have over 160+ legal entities (LE) and we are looking to limi…
GL : Intercompany AllocationSummary Any working example for Intercompany AllocationContent Good People, Is there any working example for Inter-company Allocation ? Any help is highly appreciated. T…