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Workforce Management
Discussion List
How to make Attachment Mandatory While submitting an Absence like Sick Leave?Content Are there anyway to make attachment mandatory while submitting Sick Leave, so that employee won't be able to submit Sick Leave unless he attached a medical certi…
The analysis Report (Google Map) not appearing when attached to a page using page composerSummary The analysis Report (Google Map) not appearing when attached to a page using page composerContent Hi Experts, We took a google map to show each country headcount…
Update Accrual Plan Enrollments Hung in "Canceling" StatusSummary Update Accrual Plan Enrollments Hung in "Canceling" StatusContent Hello Everyone, I ran the schedule process "Update Accrual Plan Enrollments". The parent proces…
Standard validation at work schedule administrationContent Hi Team Is there any standard validation does Oracle offer at ‘Assign Work Schedule Administration’ level? The question is if an employee’s contractual working h…
How to have PTO Accurals without Salary ReducingSummary We don't want the PTO to reduce from the salary, but the pto accurals have to be passed to Payroll to be on the payslipsContent Does anyone know how can we proce…
Can a negative balance be shown in Absence for a leaver for Annual Leave?Summary We are building a front load Absence plan for Annual leave but if someone leaves and has taken more than their annual leave proration can a negative balance be p…
Employee is not able to enter and to update time cards under "Time and Absence".Summary Employee is not able to enter and to update time cards under "Time and Absence".Content Employee Unable to access below tasks Under "Time and Absence". - "Curren…User_2025-02-07-07-48-59-424 269 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-07-07-48-59-424
Inherited Work Schedule - how to find the assignment levelSummary Inherited Work Schedule - how to find the assignment levelContent Hi Folks, Does any one can give us some pointers/ information on how we can derive the *acting*…
Combined Time Entry for Project Costing and Global PayrollSummary Combined Time Entry for Project Costing and Global PayrollContent Hi experts, Does anybody have experience using combined layout for project costing and payroll …
Absence Eligibility FFSummary Absence Eligibility FFContent We have created an eligibility FF for Absence Plan enrollment based on Age and Assignment DFF. When we run the enrolment for one si…
Step-by-Step Instructions to Create COVID-19 Absence Type and ReasonsSummary We had a client request to track an Absence related to COVID-19Content Content: To accommodate this, we created instructions on how to create Absence Reasons and…
Time & Labor Configuration: Time Entry in simple stepsSummary Time & Labor Configuration: Time Entry in simple stepsContent Hi Guys. I'm looking for suggestions and quick guides about how to configure "Time Entry" for "Time…
Using Hire date as a criteria in the Accrual MatrixSummary Need proper format to use hire date as a criteria in the Accrual MatrixContent Hi everyone, I am trying to use hire date in the accrual matrix. The express I use…
Change Management/COVID- Implementation Go LiveSummary Thought and Idea on adoption during COVID-19Content My company is 10 weeks away from GO LIVE and COVID hit. We are working on completely revising the change mana…User_2025-02-10-09-18-39-584 34 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-09-18-39-584
As Employee apply or adds absence , goal, performance, resignation details it goes for approval?Summary As Employee apply or adds absence , goal, performance, resignation details it goes for approval?Content Hi Team, As Employee apply or adds absence , goal, perfor…
Need to manage Time card ApprovalSummary Need to manage Time card ApprovalContent Hi All, Scenario : when time card is submitted by Schedule Process then approval should not trigger but when employee su…
Creating Absence Adjustment reasonsContent Hi Can any one let me know lookup value for creating ' Adjustment reasons' for the absence plan?
Accrual Calculation on front loaded monthly repeating period plansSummary Accrual Calculation on front loaded monthly repeating period plansContent Hi All, I have created a plan with front loaded monthly accrual option. When i enrolled…
COVID - 19: Absence DeploymentSummary We (CloudWorks) is offering deployable package to quickly deploy COVID-19 Absence and map the impacted employees to Absence.Content With the number of COVID-19 c…
Getting error while using GET_TABLE_VALUE function in fast formulaSummary Getting error while using GET_TABLE_VALUE function in fast formulaContent Hi All, I am using to get user defined table value using GET_TABLE_VALUE('ABC_ABS_CODE_…
Error when filing continious absence that includes non scheduled work daySummary Error when filing continious absence that includes non scheduled work dayContent I have a work schedule from Monday to Friday. When I file continues absence from…
Fetch the details of Shift Name on the day of Public HolidaySummary Fetch the details of Shift Name on the day of Public HolidayContent Hi All, As per the system configuration/design, in case of Public Holiday, the calendar does …
Get Overlap hours from concurrent leavesSummary Regular salary is reduced due to overlap hours when concurrent leaves fall in same datesContent How do we handle concurrent leaves if they are in same dates? Let…User_2025-02-06-22-15-37-978 22 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-22-15-37-978
Negative Balance Error even though there is a Positive Leave Balance.Summary Negative Balance Error even though there is a Positive Leave Balance. Balance Adjustments were not considered.Content Dear All, We are receiving the below error …Christopher Jothi - HCM-Oracle 120 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-22-49-44-230
How to add DFF filed in Time Approval Notification LayoutSummary How to add DFF filed in Time Approval Notification Layout for one the Layout SetContent Hi All, Here is our situation. We have two groups of employees in the sys…
Accrual Plan Carry Over IssueSummary Accrual Plan Carry Over IssueContent In the Plan Setup Carry over Rule is set to None.But still when i ma trying to run the accrual process it is carrying forwar…
HCM – Office Hours - Workforce Health and Safety, 14 May 2020, 10 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Office Hours - Workforce Health and Safety session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by postin…
Unable to edit Incidents as an EHS Manager within Workforce Health and SafetySummary I have followed all configuration steps and added the EHS Manager role to my user, but when I go to update/manage Incident the Edit buttons are all missingConten…
How to Accrue Absence for every completed 18 calendar Days?Summary How to Accrue Absence for every completed 18 calendar Days?Content Hi All, We have a requirement like below. every 18 days after hire date employee 1 day should …
In which table Person absence balances store?Summary Person Absence Balances tableContent Hi All, I am looking for the Person absence balance table. Could you please any one let me know the table name. Version 20A …User_2025-02-06-10-33-36-755 37 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-10-33-36-755