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Fusion Perfomance Management - How to setup the template to allow employees/workers to accept goals
Performance Contracting - accepting of Goals at the beginning of performance cycleContent
Hi All,
Our company is rolling out Goal Management and Performance Management. The following tasks are configured for Interim and Annual review periods:
Set Goals – Manager
Create Performance Document- Manager
Accept Goals assigned by selecting Yes/No – Employee
Create Self Evaluation and Submit to the manager for evaluation.
Manager Evaluation – Manager
Share Performance Document – Manager /Employee
Confirm Review Meeting Held – Manager/ Employee
Provide Final Feedback – Manager/ Employee
Requirement from the client is for the employee/worker to accept the goals without completing a rating during the contracting period. This makes business sense as the employee/worker cannot perform self-evaluation during contracting period. The current setup forces employee/worker to complete self –evaluation when accepting goals assigned to them. (See the screen shots)