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Quick Tip: How to stop FYI Notifications on requisition approval

edited Aug 7, 2019 12:42PM in Self Service Procurement 15 comments


How do we stop FYI Notifications sent to Preparers on approval of a requisition



Interestingly enough, the last couple of weeks saw 2-3 posts relating to this.

Business Requirement:

The customer did not want to send Preparers the FYI notification that is normally sent once a requisition is approved. In one specific case, the customer was already sending a notification to the Preparer when a purchase order was created that had a backing requisition and so the customer wanted to avoid redundant notifications.

Solution on offer:

  • Go to BPM task configuration for ReqStatusFYI task > Assignees tab
  • Select PreparerFYI participant and select checkbox 'Ignore Participant'

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