Supporting Activity tasks
Visibility and edit option of sub-tasks in activity (dispatcher and technician)Content
We are integrating with Siebel from where we are getting tickets (OFSC Activities = Siebel SR). These tickets in Siebel also contain tasks (Siebel Activities) which describe what has already been done and what other tasks should the technician perform. These are not always mandatory, the technician might leave some unfinished. The technician should also be give feedback with an update of the status for each one of these tasks and perhaps enter some comments.
We have considered to use linked activities for this but we it wouldnt be very practical. The task list can be very long up to some hundreds so apart from the work needed to perform would also be very bad in term of visibility for the dispatcher. The technician would have to start and complete (or at least mark as done) every single sub-activity which would represent a sub-task of a main activity. This also could only be done before starting the main activity or after completing it, since we cannot mark done an activity while a different one is