PCMCS Out-of-the-Box (OOTB): 3. Intelligence and Dashboarding: Profit Curves
Out of the box features with PCMCS - Profit CurvesContent
Over the past few months I have identified a need within the Oracle Cloud client community to discover what can be achieved with the tools provided when subscribing to one or more Oracle Cloud Services. A lack of awareness of the features included with your subscription is an unmeasured cost and a missed opportunity to gain much needed insight without further spend.
PCMCS applications – whether built for Fully Allocated P&L Solutions, Transfer Pricing, Shared Services Allocations or Customer/Product Profitability – have OOTB reporting capabilities available via the Intelligence menu that offer insight into allocation models with reduced effort. Here, we’ll explore how to set up, configure, and use such features and fully leverage the functionality that is included in the Oracle Cloud subscription cost.