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Calculation Statistics: Cells updated says 0 but does not show up in "X Rules produced zero cells"Hi All, We have a model that has 117 total rules. When we run the "Calculation Statistics Report" in Calculation Analysis, I can see that 104 rules had 0 for "Cells Upda…Peter Joelson 14 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Peter Joelson Profitability and Cost Management
EPCM Allocation Precision Produces Inaccurate ResultsSummary: In EPCM, when using an allocation precision of 2 and performing an SDE allocation rule allocation data from one member to various members within the same dimens…Pat_sch-eat 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Groovy Script for Copy Data in EPCMSummary: Dear Expert, Need your help about groovy script. Right now, we are copying data from 1 intersection to another intersection using DATA COPY Feature in EPCM as b…
How to extract driver percentages calculated by the backend allocation engine in EPCM?Hi Experts, Is there a way to extract the driver percentages calculated in EPCM by Entity & Cost Center for nearly 4000+ allocations? The periodic activity for STAT bala…
Exportfolder location in Oracle Reporting Web Studio through PCMThe oracle application used is PCM and when scheduling a batch run through oracle reporting web studio, there is an option for the results to be saved in an external dir…
PCM Essbase data load on member with Chinese charSummary: Our application has products with chinese characters in the member name (not alias), so when we are trying to load data to the PCM_CLC cube its throwing error s…HarryEPMUser 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Issue pertaining to incorrect date and time stamp post successful database refresh in PCMCSSummary: The database info page in PCMCS does not reflect the correct date and time of the last successful refresh despite the Job Library indicating the last successful…
EPCMCS COPY POV FUNCTIONSummary: EPCMCS COPY POV FUNCTION Hi All, I am try to copy POV form:- "FY24,JAN,Actual,Working" to "FY24,Dec,Actual,Working". I am getting issue there i.e. In this POV "…
Issue running calculation after metadata update and database deployment.I have been running into issues running calculations in PCMCS after December 2024 update. We usually update our customer and account metadata periodically for allocation…Naplez 102 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
1Adding Member Matching Expressions in bulkhello - we are currently working to migrate from PCM to ePCM. We used the template to bring in all of our ruleset and rule configurations, but we do not see any option i…StevenRigby 33 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Does integration between PCM_CLC and PCM_RPT timeout more often because of enormous data size?Could the timeout issue in the integration between PCM_CLC and PCM_RPT be caused by the large dataset stored in PCM_CLC, which is slowing down the query performance? Cur…Supanut Sinphatsirikul 37 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
PCM to EPCM rules getting failedSummary: Migrated from PCM to EPCM through template but In EPCM designer getting the below error though Entity exists in the Entity Dimension. Content (please ensure you…
EPCM Substitution Variables for OptimizationSummary: Hi Team, I am just curious to explore various substitution variables available in EPCM for better optimization. Request to share if you have used in any of your…Harish Kumar C 117 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by BhavaniGajula Profitability and Cost Management
Can we load to PCM_CalculatedDriverValue?Summary: Is it possible to load driver data to PCM_CalculatedDriverValue? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We would like to clear almost al…SAW23321 36 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
EPCM source filter - ways to exclude memberWe are using Enterprise PCM. We have a Entity hierarchy where Parent1 has 4 children. Child1 & Child2 are not level-0 and Child3 & Child4 are level-0 members. Paren1 ——-…Dhana 1234 62 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Application MigrationSummary: Hello Team, I am getting the below error while migrating the application from one environment to other. What could be the possible reason for this error ? Thank…Mohit Pahuja 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohit Pahuja Profitability and Cost Management
modify the timezone in PCMHello everyone, When I ran the calculation and open the Job Library to trace, I found that it showed incorrect timezone (for Start Date and Endate): So my question is: W…
How to show SSO buttons on Log in InterfaceSummary: Hi, I've configured our SSO by following I can confirm that our SSO is working but the SSO Sign in buttons does not show on our main log in page and just shows …TristanRive 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suruchi S-Support-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Can Power user access restricted and not allow dimension and Designer screen?Summary: I have got to download csv file from Data Management Inbox using REST API service, for the same provided the user with Power User Role, But Customer needs to re…Harikiran_EPM-Oracle 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by NarayananS Profitability and Cost Management
Unable to Execute Business Rule via EPM Automate in EPCMSummary: we are trying to execute a business rule (a custom Groovy Script) in EPCM via epm auomate command as per below doc. But it throws an error saying "Not supported…Harish Kumar C 33 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Harish Kumar C Profitability and Cost Management
Can we push allocated data from EPCM to ERP as journal backSummary: Can we push allocated data from EPCM to ERP as journal back. if yes please let me know what is process and what all we can do? Content (please ensure you mask a…Raavi Divya sri-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Philip Hulsebosch Profitability and Cost Management
EPCM with Approval Flow and Task ManagerSummary: How to set up EPCM with Approval Flow and Task Manager? Content (required): I try to set up an EPCM process with a guided process like in task manager and to sa…Mueller 131 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Tom LeFebvre-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
How to quickly select all members with assigned attributeSummary: In my Source selection for a rule I want to include only members of my Product dimension that have a certain attribute attached. There are roughly 100 that have…KCJ04102003 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by KCJ04102003 Profitability and Cost Management
Create grouping nodes in PCM_Rule dimensionHello, Our Customer want to regroup the PCM_Rule members in grouping nodes. Is it possible? If yes, is it recommanded given that this is a technical dimension? We are us…
Is there a way to create Counterparty transactions in EPCM?Summay: For EPCM Transfer Pricing based Application, we want to create counterparty entries of Transfer Pricing Results. Content (required): If Transfer Pricing Results …Sivavignesh V 81 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gebril Abdellatif -Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
What's the best way to automate the process of running a rolling forecast data for 18 months in EPCMSummary: Hi All, I have 18 months of rolling forecast data from EPBCS, and I need to automate the monthly allocation process for the next 18 months. I want to avoid hard…
Data Integration - Create Application ErrorI am trying to create an application in data integration. The category is EPM Cloud. I complete all the information, but when I click the spinner to the right of Applica…
Purpose of using EPCM_GOVERNORS_OVERRIDE_KEY variable in EPCMSummary: Hi, Request anyone to let me know the purpose of using EPCM_GOVERNORS_OVERRIDE_KEY variable in EPCM. It would be helpful if any resource link is shared for the …Harish Kumar C 21 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Harish Kumar C Profitability and Cost Management
How do I change the name of the Entity dimension in PCM to "Office"?Summary: I have a planning environment with a dimension called "Office". When I created the PCM environment, it was pre-populated with the "Entity" dimension. I would li…
Is there a report available to export out of EPCM to get driver data for all rules?Summary: We are needing to get a report of all rules and the driver that is being used in those rules. Currently we export the Model Documentation and create formulas to…Crystal Eide 31 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Crystal Eide Profitability and Cost Management