Critical Bug Fix 19C: BIP based Approval Notification displays -1 when no Conversion Rate exists for
Critical Bug Fix 19C: BIP based Approval Notification displays -1 when no Conversion Rate exists for multi-currency scenariosContent
Customers / Support
Please take note of this bug fix of a display issue on the BIP Template based Requisition Approval Notification.
Problem Statement:
In cases where the functional currency is different than the Approvers User Preferred currency and if no conversion rate exists between the two, the system generated Requisition Approval Notification was displaying '-1' as the value of the amount attributes displayed in the notification. This did not happen in the case of an ADF notification.
The bug of displaying a value of -1 was fixed and in the event that no conversion rate existed, then only the functional currency amount will be displayed (this behavior is consistent with the ADF notification behavior).