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Uploaded MasterCard Corporate Card Transaction not assigning to Employee

edited Jul 15, 2019 7:08PM in Expenses 13 comments


Uploaded MasterCard Corporate Card Transaction not assigning to Employee



    I loaded the Tokenized MasterCard CDF3 expense file into Cloud Expense and the cards are loading successfully. However, the cards are not assigning to the corresponding Employee Number. If I navigate to 'Manage Corporate Cards' and able to assign the employee to the card successfully.

  I selected the 'Matching Rule for New Corp Card' as 'Employee number'.  The log of the 'Upload and Validate Corporate Card Transaction File'' doesn't help much as the card loaded successfully.  Does someone advise where I can look more for troubleshooting.

Note:-The employee Names are scrambled in the ERPCloud Instance. I tried changing the MasterCard expense file with correct employee Name but still no success.


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