Discussion List
Why isn't the person HCM expense account being displayed on expense rpt page?Summary: Business user was able to create an expense report with their default expense account being displayed from person HCM record, but now it doesnt display, though …
Ability to restrict enter project expenses using expense date and DFF values defined in ProjectsSummary: Ability to restrict submission of project expenses using expense date and DFF values defined in Projects Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
EXPENSE DIGEST - Need product documentation explaining the featuresSummary: Hi there, there are numerous CCC posts asking for explanation of EXPENSE DIGEST feature - pre-requisites, back-end logic, configurable features associated with …
Expense Report Policies Rate in Always in USDHi, We need to control our expense policies always in USD, but the Business Unit currency and the employee's expense currency will never be in USD. For example BU curren…
Define Expense Report Policies Rate in different Currency that Ledger CurrencySummary: Define Expense Report Policies Rate in different Currency that Ledger Currency Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have the follow…
Would like to use the Maps Feature as Supporting Documentation for Mileage Expense TypeSummary:Enabled the require supporting documentation option for Mileage Expense Type with the idea that if you use the maps feature to calculate the mileage it would sat…
Active Payment Method in Expense ModuleHello, End of last year, I configured EXM_BANK_ACCT_REQUIRED for expenses where it requires user to enter the bank account information upon selecting the "Electronic" Pa…
Can Per Diem be calculated by simply entering number of days as opposed to a date range?Summary: Setup Per Diem policy based on a daily rate and expense line only gives option to enter a date range. Has anyone set this up so user would simply enter the numb…
Need to change status of Expense report when Auditor requests more information from requestor.Summary: Need to change status of Expense report when Auditor requests more information from requestor. [Currently it shows as Pending Expense Auditor approval] Content …
User unable to enter current date when creating Expense reportSummary Couldn't enter the current expense dateContent User was trying to submit expenses report. When entering the date (for ex 10/22/19) , the system showed they can o…
How can I default expense account segment based on the expense name?Summary: When the user enters an expense report line and selects a particular type of expense, I need one of the segments of the expense account to default to a certain …
Unable to add bank account for Self from Expenses > Manage Bank AccountSummary: We have a client requirement that the employee should be able to create their own bank accounts from 'Me > Expenses > Manage Bank Accounts' UI page. The user is…
Attachment Type and Category in Oracle Expense ReportSummary: How to disable attachment type and category lookup values Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): User having confusion during expense re…
How to hide the Company segment during Expense Allocation SplitSummary: Our client have a requirement to have only the Department / Cost Center Segment Visible on the 'Expense Creation > Split Allocation' page and no other segment s…
Adding hyperlink to the expense page using sandboxWe have added a hyperlink to the expense page. We are struggling to mark one word as hyperlink instead of whole sentence. "Click HERE to access KB articles." We want onl…
EXM_REV_GRP_ID_TRA Profile option purposeSummary: Hi Experts, can someone please let me know what's the purpose of 'EXM_REV_GRP_ID_TRA' profile option in Expenses ? Why is this used ? Version (include the versi…Navya Krishna Yarlagadda 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Navya Krishna Yarlagadda Expenses
Error regarding Conflict with Authorization Project DataSummary: Error regarding Conflict with Authorization Project Data Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am trying to understand the difference…
PULL process from a VISA managed server and SSH key authenticationWe're implementing Expenses module and a PULL process from a VISA managed server to the Corporate card task. VISA have a service referred to as "VISA File Exchange Servi…
Expense Types translation to local languageSummary: Translation to local language is not working for Expense Types. Any workable solution? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As per Cli…
Fusion Financials Change Legal EmployerHello, We are using Fusion Financials and Expenses but NOT HCM. If we create a user account, how do we change the legal employer against that user account? If we have HC…
Access to Manage Expense Reports when selecting "Advance Search"Summary: Who has access to see the Manage Expense Reports in Expenses. I see that only some Employees can access this online inquiry when selecting "Advance Search" Cont…
Whether Oracle Expense cloud allows Corporate card transaction files with actual card numberIn Client current system Citi Bank Master card corporate card file is getting processed with file having actual card numbers in it and they will be moving there expenses…
Hiding/Removing canceled expense reportsSummary: We would like the option of removing or hiding canceled expense reports on an employee's Travel and Expenses dashboard. This expense report is showing in expens…
What is the impact of redwood design on Expense UISummary: We wanted to understand how redwood design is going to impact expense UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
Tax-Related Information fields not visible on Expense Reports ?Summary: Tax-Related Information fields not visible on Expense Reports ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello I ticked the 'Display tax f…
while submitting expenses report user getting errorSummary: while submitting expenses report user getting error When user is try to submit the expense report getting below error. Error: "Enter a number between 1 and 8." …
EXM| Submitting Expense Reports for Multiple Business UnitsContent It is well understood that an employee sees expense templates based on his/her business unit tagged in HCM records. To be precise this is derived based on the PR…
Expense Reimbursement for non-employees with Oracle Fusion ExpensesSummary We would like to know if it's possible to use Oracle Fusion Expenses with non-employeesContent Hello! Our Organization uses Oracle Expenses for processing all tr…
Primary Bank ResetSince 24D we've had a number of calls come in from our users to say they are seeing the below error when trying to submit an expense: "EXM-Document payee bank account nu…
Oracle Cloud Expenses not importing to AP, stuck with status Ready for Payment ProcessingSummary: Credit card transactions imported into Oracle cloud expenses related to August 2022, created a report with these transactions but unable to import to AP. Conten…