Display Text for Thread Type
Display Text for Thread TypeContent
Can someone help me with this formula. Basically if you use threads.entry_type.id in a report, it will give you the value for the action. ie.
1 - Note 2 - Staff Account 3 - Customer 4 - Customer Proxy 5 - Chat 6 - Rule Response
= Private Note = HD Response = Custer Entry = HD Customer Entry = Chat Response = Auto Response - |
Instead of the # displaying, I want to put my own verbiage.. I tried the following but i keep getting errors. Can anyone help?
If(threads.entry_type.id like '2', 'HelpDesk Response', If(threads.entry_type.id like '3', 'Customer Response', If(threads.entry_type.id like '4', 'HelpDesk Customer Entry', If (threads.entry_type.id like '5', 'Chat Entry', threads.entry_type.id))))