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BPM - Invoice Approval Rules - Creating new rules

edited Apr 27, 2020 12:26PM in Payables, Payments & Cash Management 11 comments


BPM - Invoice Approval Rules - Creating new rules


Does BPM have the capabilty for complex rules to be designed for Invoice Approval Rules.

I can see from reading numerous knowledge articles and videos that Oracle introduced a BPM spreadsheet function as it was difficult to use the BPM front end. However it appears that the Spredsheet function is only to be used for simple rules.

We are trying to configure the below business scenarios but are currently unsure if this level of complexity is at all possible in BPM.

Can anyone help at all please?


1) Invoice in AP which has been matched to a Purchase Order where it has had one of these 5 holds (Price, Line Variance, Qty Rec, Qty Ord or hold starting with Max), and where these holds have been manually released by an AP user should go for approval if the Requester field is populated.


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