Use Position Chain of Cost Center Manager in Requisition Approval Rules
When defining Requisition Approval Rules based on Position Hierarchy, Cost Center Manager is not available as a choice for "Position Chain of"Content
We would like to use Requisition Approval Rules based on Position Hierarchy.
When defining Requisition Approval Rules based on Position Hierarchy, the only choices available for "Position Chain Of" are:
a) Preparer's Position
b) Requester's Position
c) Overriding Approver's Position
We would like to define Rules based on Position Hierarchy starting with the Cost Center Manager.
Is this functionality on the Roadmap?
Currently, the only way to "climb" the Approval chain starting with the Cost Center Manager is to use "Route Using" Job Level or Supervisor Hierarchy. This requires the Customer to maintain the "Employee/Supervisor" in HCM (maintaining the Manager on the Employee/Person record.) This is not feasible for the Customer.