How to call intent between the conversation?
I am not able to call intent between the list prompt.Content
My scenario is like between the ongoing conversation I want to call any intent. I used resetVariable but not working. List prompt is continue open after giving the uttarances of different intent. Yes i set maxPrompts 3 but still I want to go any intent any time. Here is my code.
Thank You
Subhajit Saha
20.08Code Snippet
ResetmyvariablesAssetMaintenance: component: "System.ResetVariables" properties: variableList: "assetmaintenancemenu" transitions: next: "assetMaintenanceSetVar" assetMaintenanceSetVar: component: "System.SetVariable" properties: variable: "assetmaintenancemenu" value: "${iResult.value.entityMatches['AssetMaintenanceMenu'][0]}" transitions: next: "AssetMaintenanceMenuList" AssetMaintenanceMenuList: component: "System.List" properties: