Need to validate out of box FCRR usefullness
We need to determine if we can use the out of box FCRR Infolet formula for Agent FCRR or we need to customize to meet our definitionContent
The current out of the box Infolet FCRR formula is
(sum(if(inc_performance.action_cnt=1, 1, 0))/(if (sum(if(inc_performance.action_cnt > 0, 1, 0)) > 0, sum(if(inc_performance.action_cnt > 0, 1, 0)), 1))) * 100 |
inc_performance_action_cnt relates to the interval type selected of "Create to Final Resolve". I am having trouble finding how the "closed to Final Resolve" is incremented. I have examples where the field nc_performance.action_cnt=2 but the incident was only closed one time and never re-opened. And the Closed to Initial Resolve and Closed to Final resolve are the same date/time.