Spend Authorization with Multiple approval groups
We have a requirement to route Spend Authorization workflow to 4 approval groups. Each group has multiple users.
Every group should receive an approval notification and each group should approve under first responder wins.
- All groups should receive the approval notifications in parallel
- Only 1 person in each group should action (first responder wins)
- All groups need to respond before the workflow finally completes
- If one group rejects, the entire workflow rejects. All groups must approve in order for the workflow to approve.
I can create 4 groups and I can add 4 groups to the workflow but within 1 rule, it doesn't seem possible to have the groups approve on a first responder wins basis. When multiple groups are in the rule, it just approves based on the first approver. I can change the voting % to 100 percent but when I do this, every single person in every group has to respond before the workflow completes, rather than just one person from the group.