Need to Develop Custom Report for "Year to Date" Budget Balance Report
Summary: Need to Develop Custom Report for "Year to Date" Budget Balance Report
can i get query for budget control
Till now Query i have used
select budget_name.NAME
,GLCC.Segment1 Fund
, GLCC.Segment2 Purpose
, GLCC.Segment3 PRC
, GLCC.Segment4 Oobject
, GLCC.Segment5 Location
, GLCC.Segment6 CostCenter
, GLCC.Segment7 Project
, GLCC.Segment8 LocalUse
, GLCC.Segment9 InterFunc
--, bal.PERIOD_NAME period_name1
--, (bal.budget_amount )
, GLB.Begin_Balance_DR - GLB.Begin_Balance_CR AS Opening_Balance1
, GLB.Period_Net_DR - GLB.Period_Net_CR AS Period_Activity1 -- CurrMo_Activity
, (GLB.Begin_Balance_DR - GLB.Begin_Balance_CR) + (GLB.Period_Net_DR - GLB.Period_Net_CR) AS Ending_Balance1 -- col L in excel