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How to change currency code language in Manage Project Budget?In manage project budget page, under Overview option, budget amount is showing in Arabic currency instead of English (as SAR). Please guide me how to change the currency…
BI report to pull Insufficient funds recordsHi, We have a requirement to develop a BI report to pull the purchase orders where budgetary status failed with "Insufficient Funds". I was able to pull the budgetary fa…Madhu Arepalli_UN 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Baidehi Nanda–Support-Oracle Budgetary Control
Budget Override DateSummary: Which Table Stores Budget Override Date Column Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I can see Overrider and Override justi…
Not able to find join between budget tables and GL_BALANCESSummary: We have a requirement to build a custom report where most of the columns are from the control budget screen under budgetary control. We are fetching budget colu…
join GL_BALANCES and XCC budget tablesSummary: How to join XCC_ tables with GL_Balances Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have requirement of building a custom report wher…SauarbhAgrawal 101 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Baidehi Nanda–Support-Oracle Budgetary Control
SUPPLIER BALANCE AGING - SQL QUERY NEEDEDSummary: We have a customer requirment to customize the supplier balance aging to increase the aging buckets than the standard one. So we want the sql query for the unpa…Yara Ibrahim-Oracle 183 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sean Rogers Payables, Payments & Cash Management
SQL to fetch Amount Type in Review Budgetary Control BalancesHi All, We would need guidance in identifying the table where the amount type is stored, we could find the amount type in table 'FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_VL' for the lookup typ…
Budgetary Control Dashboard CustomizationHello everyone, I've been wondering if there is anyway possible to edit/customize the built in Budgetary Control Dashboard. There are some values under each segment that…
Schedule report option to deliver to email outside Oracle domainSummary: My client is looking at scheduling the reports via the report schedule Option in Oracle Cloud. How do we use the schedule report option to deliver to email if t…Aparna N-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Aparna N-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to JOIN PO Tables with XCC_BALANCES or XCC_BALANCE_ACTIVITIESSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): HI All How we can join PO Tables with XCC_BALANCES or XCC_BALANCE_ACTIVITIES Version (include the…
Query behind 'Review Budgetary Control Transactions' the UI pageSummary: I am looking for the code behind the 'Review Budgetary Control Transactions' page as my requirement is to create BIP report with the same columns in the page. I…
How to create Budget vs Actual and variance report?Summary: Hi, We have loaded our budget on budgetary control. We are now trying to build a report with budget vs actual amounts and variance between the two. However, ora…
Looking for a table which gives the activity type from the review budgetary control transactionsSummary: Looking for a table which gives the activity type from the review budgetary control transactions UI Content (required): Version (include the version you are usi…
How to join xcc_tr_headers and xcc_tr_linesSummary: How to join xcc_tr_headers and xcc_tr_lines Content (required): I have joined xcc_tr_lines and xcc_tr_headers by header_num however the details in UI doesnt mat…
Budget Alerts to Budget ManagerSummary: Budget Alerts to Budget Manager Content (required): Business would like to implement budget alerts everyday morning to review budget availability along with Per…
Join XCC_BALANCES with PO tablesContent Hi all, I need to retrieve the budget available amount (see screenshot below) I found the amounts in the table XCC_BALANCES. But I can't find a way to join it wi…
Need to Develop Custom Report for "Year to Date" Budget Balance ReportSummary: Need to Develop Custom Report for "Year to Date" Budget Balance Report can i get query for budget control Till now Query i have used select budget_name.NAME ,GL…User_2025-02-12-02-13-49-388 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cozma GL-Oracle Budgetary Control
Budget Vs Actual in GL Account Group & SmartViewContent We have received requirement from user that need to generate a report through smart view tool to see the Budget Vs Actual under Fusion COA instance. Note: we got…
In which tables can I find the budget balances?Content Hi, I need to know which tables Review Budgetary Control Balances uses, or in which tables I can find the following information: Tables I have already reviewed, …Edisson Gabriel López 71 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Edisson Gabriel López Budgetary Control
Funds Check SQL or APISummary Is there a way to do a funds check via API or SQLContent Looking for a Funds Check SQL or API. Before we import the journal, posting a journal, planning to check…