Evaluate Absences > Re-Calculation of Absence Duration in case of Work Schedule Change
Evaluate Absences > Re-Calculation of Absence Duration in case of Work Schedule Change
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Hello All,
Have you ever deal with re-calculation of Absence Duration for employees in case of Work Schedule Change? What are the best practices?
For e.g.:
The Line Manager publishes the next week schedule (Morning and Night shifts) of Employee E1 on Thu of previous week. For e.g. last Thu 20-JAN, he published the schedule for the week 22-JAN – 28-JAN
But the employee submits an annual leave (from 08:00 AM – 12:00 PM, duration in day = 4h/8h = 0.5 day) in absence management planned on 1-Feb. At that time, the employee has the legal entity work schedule (08:00 AM – 04:00 PM = 8 hours), his shifts haven’t yet been published by his line manager.