Issue in Purchasing TAB for Project based Accounting Rules
Issue in Purchasing TAB for Project based Accounting Rules
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Hi Team,
Facing issue when appending Project based Mapping set in Purchasing. For the PO charge account , the Account Segment should derive based on the Expenditure type used. Accordingly created Mapping set and Account rule. But when adding it to the TAB ,throwing exceptions as below.
The mapping set Expenditure Type to Tax for SCE in the account definition Skanska SK SCE Purchasing TAB Accounting uses the source XCC_PJC_EXPENDITURE_TYPE_ID which isn't assigned to the account type Charge Account.
The mapping set Project Owning Organization to Profit Center for SCE in the account definition Skanska SK SCE Purchasing TAB Accounting uses the source XCC_PJC_ORGANIZATION_ID which isn't assigned to the account type Charge Account.