Enable proration in Budget Pool
Our client require Proration for Budget pool if the employee has not completed 1 year for the plan cycle. Hence I used Proration in Component 1 in Budget Percentage - Worker - Component 1 .
For Proration there is a fast formula with values and in Budget Percentage - Worker - Component 1 there is a dynamic column as per the screenshot below.
Now when I publish budget with say 2.5% as Pool 1-Fixed Base Merit Increase Percent for an employee whose Proration is less than 1 the Pool 1-Fixed Base Merit Increase Percent which displays should be 2.5* 0.83 (for eg where 0.83 is Proration factor). Now the value which displays in the Pool 1-Fixed Base Merit Increase Percent is 2.075=2.08 as it display 2 digits.