Category 452
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Not able to search Terminated Employee record in View Compensation HistorySummary: Not able to search and view terminated employee records in View Compensation History page with the custom HR role. There is no Termination related filter in the…
How to remove a component in the options of the Manager and Admin Reports?In Manager and Admin Reports, we have a component in the dropdown that we would like to hide. How can we remove it from the options? Manager Reports: Admin Reports:
redwoodSummary: When should we change to redwood appearance and is it mandatory to switch? Also any steps or via oracle SR this would be done. Content (please ensure you mask a…
Eligibility for Input values in ICPSummary: Hi Experts, Need you suggestion if the below requirement is feasible or not. We have an element and there 15 input values associated with it. Attached this elem…
Workforce Comp - Dynamic column is not calculating correctly in Administer WorkersSummary: I have a dynamic column in my compensation plan that calculates correctly when I test it but it does not show correctly in Administer Workers after refreshing t…
Trying to get plan ID from SQL CMP_PLANS_TLSummary: Receiving error: "non existent table CMP_PLANS_TL." Also tried table CMP_PLANS_VL and receive the same error. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
What's the purpose of the Full-Time Equivalent field in individual compensation plan?Summary: Need to know the purpose of the Full-Time Equivalent field in individual compensation plan. Even if the FTE % are different, still the amount entered is same in…
Ability to select Effective Start Date (Back dated) for Individual Compensation using RUIHi Experts! Unable to Select "Effect Start Date" as back dated when HR select Individual Compensation. Example: New starter Hired on 2/Oct/2024 and Individual compensati…
Worksheet Display - Calculated Values in the Scoreboard ViewSummary: Are there any option to establish calculated fields in the worksheet head areas like the scoreboard view. In this example we have 10 workers and an allocated bu…
How to Restrict workforce compensation plan based on Admin level ?SummarIy: I have a requirement where we have to set up four workforce plans based on different admins, for example, talent administration for calibration plans & payroll…
How to check the log for rate based salary basis error JBO-PAY:::PAY_PAYPROC_UNKNOWN_ERR: PAY-163526Summary: When adding a salary rate based I am getting this error: JBO-PAY:::PAY_PAYPROC_UNKNOWN_ERR: PAY-1635269 A system error occurred during processing. Contact your …
Which dimension do you use when using Payroll Balance for Compensation Items?Content: We have created over 300 compensation items and are using payroll balances to ensure the most accurate data when validating against pay slips. We've noticed whe…
Not able to find "Assignment" when Test Eligibility Profile in WCPHi team, as mentioned in the object, I currently not able to select the "Assignment" when Test Eligibility Profile in WCP. I want to test an eligibility profile and, aft…
View Compensation History - Percentage Change not correctHello experts, we are facing an issue with the page View Compensation History. We notice that even if the salary between two years does not change for an employee (not f…
How to get salary or grades changes updated to the job in an active requisition with applicants?Summary: Compensation updates grades and salary in CoreHR and our organization will do a hdl load to change the job requisition grade old to new grade. If there are acti…Brandy Humphrey 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by DarleneM-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Assignment Category in Global model under Grouping CriteriaSummary: Unable to create Assignment Category in Global model under Grouping Criteria Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Unable to create Ass…
workforce compensation planSummary: Hello, are there any options to provide calculations, like average, in the headlines of a defined compensation worksheet. In the screenshot you see some display…
Modify the seeded error message in ICP attachments sectionHi All, Is there a place where we can modify the seeded error shown in the ICP submission section when employee tires to submit the ICP without an attachment? I queried …Kiran Lakshmi Eswara Mandarapu-Oracle 18 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kiran Lakshmi Eswara Mandarapu-Oracle Compensation
Budgeting in oracle compensationSummary: There are two types of budgeting - bottom up and top to bottom i.e. worker level and manager level budgeting. Which are the data points that govern this ? i.e. …
Possibility of generating the sign (+/-) in the amount based on the primary classification defined.Summary: Hi Team, Is there any way to generate + sign , - Sign in the Amount input value automatically while adding the ICP to employee based on the Primary Classificati…
AND operand in Rates salary basisSummary: Hi, We need to default the employees salary based on 2 condition. If employee's Location is "y" and department is "x" THEN default the salary. We are in conside…
Adding subcategory duplicating in printable statement for Total Compensation StatementHi Experts, I have a requirement where we need to show a pie chart for annual salary and benefits. I have added benefits as subcategory in Base pay category but due to s…
Total compensation statement - Stock graph questionWe have implemented TCS 3 years back and have stock options listed along with a graph displaying market value of unvested stocks over the years (eg 3 rows for stock opti…
Can we remove inactive assignments from search results on Redwood Compensation Info pageSummary: Since transitioning to Redwood Compensation Info page, Inactive Assignments are appearing in search results. How can we exclude these so they are never returned…
Evaluation multiple assignments ( including Suspended and Inactive) in a workforce compensation planSummary: Hello all, Our C&Bs have a business need to include in a workforce compensation plan all assignments ( Active,Suspended or Inactive) of an employee who has done…
Urgent - After Start Compensation Cycle process is run, the plan doesn't show upHi, I have an issue where we have run the start compensation plan cycle with all the parameters correct but after the process is done, the plan isn't showing up for a co…
Redwood: Annual Salary display format issueSummary: Annual Salary is displayed as Annual Amount | salary basis frequency | FTE. Seeing an annual amount with the wording Monthly looks very confusing. Content: In R…
Alert managers to changes by someone else in the hierarchySummary: Looking for a way to alert our pay review managers if someone above them in the hierarchy makes a change to their recommendations Content (please ensure you mas…
How can we make notification date read only at redwood resignation and termination pageSummary: How can we make Notification Date read only at redwood resignation and termination page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (…
Pay elements not displaying in ICP when already assigned to an other ICPHi, I have create the following pay element: MBO Percentage I have successfully assigned this pay element to the Individual Compensation Plan (ICP) called "Altra Retribu…