Not possible to apply Chargeback credit memo to Chargeback
The business flow for managing the customer deduction we are implementing is the following:
1) Create invoice (e.g.: Invoice 123 Tot Amount = 1000 Eur)
2) Receive customer payment which is including a deduction which need to be checked (e.g. Receipt for invoice 123=800Eur)
3) Apply the receipt to the invoice and create a Chargeback (Invoice 123 balance=0 Eur), Chargeback ABC=200 Eur
4) The Chargeback is disputed by Collection and worklow notification is sent to the Dispute department which can accept or reject the dispute
5.1) If the Dispute is rejected than Chargeback remains open ---> OK
5.2) If the Dispute is is accepted than automatically notification workflow for creating the Credit Memo memo. However the credit memo cannot create automatically since the application of the Credit Memo to the Chargeback is giving the following error: "get_tax_subscriber: 1 : User-Defined Exception The tax calculation has failed. (ZX-885378)". Neither It is not possible to create manual credit memo and apply manually to the chargeback. It aooks like that it cannot be credited a Chargeback since such transaction does not have the Tax calculated meanwhile the Credit Note application is expecting to have it--->KO