Defaulting expenditure Item date based on Promised delivery date
Summary: Feasbility on defaulting the expenditure Item date in the PO Line/Schedule from the Promised delivery date captured at the PO Line/Schedule level.
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requirement to default the expenditure item date in the PO Line/Schedule from the Promised delivery date captured at the PO Line/Schedule level. This is to make sure that the Project/Task date has not passed, when the goods against the PO are delivered. We are trying to modify the Project Standard Cost Collection Flexfield, EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE segment using a SQLto achieve this.
We are trying to default expenditure item date value using the "Initial Default" feature with the default type as SQL. We do not see any value in the derivation value LOV which will help us to uniquely identify the PO line or PO Schedule in order to fetch the promised delivery date. Is there a way to achieve this requirement?