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Identify customer from ar_statement_delivery

edited May 10, 2023 7:59AM in Receivables & Collections 1 comment


How to identify the customer from the ar_statement_delivery table

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I have written a sql in order to identify the customer_name, account_number, email address and date of statement run for that customer

The query is:

select hp.party_name customer_name,






from hz_parties hp,

    hz_cust_accounts hca,

    hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa,  

    ar_statement_delivery asd,  

     (select emailpeo.email_address,


      from HZ_CONTACT_POINTS emailpeo,

          HZ_RELATIONSHIPS RelationshipPEO           

      where RelationshipPEO.SUBJECT_ID     = EmailPEO.OWNER_TABLE_ID(+)

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