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Errors trying to close PPM for year-end

edited Jun 20, 2018 9:39PM in Project Management 1 comment


5 issues/errors and need to figure out best way to handle/address (see below for details)



PJF_CAL_EVENT_REV_GEN (I think this has to do with events that the end-user didn't put the project on the event so it doesn't know how to assign the revenue...I can do mapping for a "oops" configuration, but need to know then how to move all those events into the correct fund source to recognize the revenue???)


PJF_CAL_GL_UNACCTD (These are supplier invoices)

PJF_CAL_UNSWEPT_ERR (are these transactions that are currently in process and really aren't an issue?)

Howdy, Stranger!

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