Mileage Coverage (Cumulative Mileage by vehicle type)
We defined rate by vehicle type and vehicle category and Cumulative Mileage by vehicle type and Distance threshold 5000 but it does not work
Let's say
Manage Cumulative Mileage Determinants set by vehicle type only
vehicle type = Car
vehicle category = Company and Private
vehicle type = Car and vehicle category = Company = 2 USD = 1KM
vehicle type = Car and vehicle category = Private = 3 USD = 1KM
if vehicle type = Car KMs is more than 5000 - The rate will be different
vehicle type = Car and vehicle category = Company = 1.5 USD = 1KM
vehicle type = Car and vehicle category = Private = 3 USD = 1KM
I have defined the above policy but it does not work and even Mileage not showing in view Cumulative Mileage page after auditing of expense report