Discussion List
How to process expense reports for terminated employees?Summary: What are the options to process expense reports for terminated employees? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Oracle…
EXPENSE DIGEST - Need product documentation explaining the featuresSummary: Hi there, there are numerous CCC posts asking for explanation of EXPENSE DIGEST feature - pre-requisites, back-end logic, configurable features associated with …
Review Corporate Card Transactions does not display valid transactionsSummary: Hi time After importing the corporate credit card transactions file and these transactions are valid, I navigate to the Review Corporate Card Transactions scree…
Attachment Type and Category in Oracle Expense ReportSummary: How to disable attachment type and category lookup values Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): User having confusion during expense re…
Integrations in Oracle Expenses, with American Express and GetThere for Travel Expenses processesIf I have two integrations in Oracle Expenses, one with American Express and the other with GetThere, both Oracle partners, how does the system merge the information it …
Tax-Related Information fields not visible on Expense Reports ?Summary: Tax-Related Information fields not visible on Expense Reports ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello I ticked the 'Display tax f…
EXM| Submitting Expense Reports for Multiple Business UnitsContent It is well understood that an employee sees expense templates based on his/her business unit tagged in HCM records. To be precise this is derived based on the PR…
How can we charge employee expense to multiple cost centerHow can we charge employee expense to multiple cost center for an Employee who works for multiple departments. As we can give single cost centre in expense account
Localization support for Fusion Cloud ExpensesHi, In how many countries, do we have Localization support for Fusion Cloud Expenses Thanks
Standard report to see the default expense account of an employeeSummary: The client is looking for any standard reports to check the default expense account assigned to an employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Rejection Description: Inconsistent business unit informationSummary: We have 3 expense reports that are in Ready for Payment status that are stuck in the Review Rejected Expense Reports and Cash Advances queue with a reason of "I…
Unable to Split Expenses post 24D updatedSummary: After the 24D upgrade we are unable to split expenses. Has anyone else experienced this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
Print Expense Report - Failed to load errorSummary: Content (required): Hi, I have tried to get the Expense Report output by using the "Print" option on the actions of the Expense Report. However, the error "Fail…
Do we have audit report which gives information of what reports are used and who's accessing themSummary: Do we have audit report which gives information of what reports are used and who's accessing them Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
How to enter flex fields in the expense report layoutSummary:I am using the native expense reporting functionality through a mass layout and I need to enter flexfield in the layout, please tell me how I can do it Content (…
We have created two expense report templates But still either of them is not visible in UISummary: We have created two expense report templates But still either of them is not visible in UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Templa…
Expense Reports are missing in EXM_EXP_REP_PROCESSINGSummary: We have reports created by the users which are showing a status of PENDING_AUDIT. Some of the reports are missing from EXM_EXP_REP_PROCESSING but are available …
Payment order report does not reflect payments made to expense reports or advancesSummary: The payment order report does not reflect payments made to expense reports or advances. Is it possible to have these payments reflected as well? Content (please…
Can select project number by project member in Exepnse Reports?Hi, We want to restrict to select projects only by project team members in Expense Reports, is there any way to configure? Thanks
Expense Mileage Start and Destination Location should be mandatory field and a google map optionSummary: Expense Mileage Start and Destination Location should be mandatory field while entering a mileage policy expense item . and Location supposed to be picked from …
Requirement to Print Preview the Expense without attachmentSummary: We have a requirement where User who submits the Expense when print the Expense then all the attachments are added into the Print. Where user want that when he …
Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time "The specified criteria didn't result in any data.I am facing same issue not able pull expense details from Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time " Subject area. Only details from Employee folder are populating. if …
Disable country location when choosing the Country and State or Province option in Expense LocationSummary: Disable country location when choosing the Country and State or Province option in Expense Location Level Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Unable to fetch the business Unit name or ID in create expense report page using EL expressionSummary: Hi Oracle I want to change the text based on the business unit using EL expression, but I'm unable to fetch the business Unit name or ID in create expense repor…
query to get employees with missing bank accountswe want all new employees who didnt enter their bank account details
Roles & Delegation feature instead of Impersonation.Summary: Hi, We are planning to use Roles & Delegation since Impersonation feature is going away after 24C patch upgrade, we have done the application in non prod instan…
DFF for Corporate Card Transaction onlySummary: DFF should be visible only for corporate card transaction. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi . We are defining DFF at expense le…Yashwanth Kumar Meesala-Oracle 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Yashwanth Kumar Meesala-Oracle Expenses
All employees are not visible in OTBI Expense ReportSummary: Business does not want to provide expense manager role and Expense Auditor role to user who will be using this report. Because of this all users are not fetched…
Can an Auditor audit its own expense report?I have a Test scenario in which I need an auditor to report expenses. However, as he is the only auditor and he is unable to see his own expense reports. I need him to b…
Cash Advance Approval HistoryContent Hello All, Is there a way to see the previous approvers of an cash advance as an audit or any other way? We can see the expenses approval history from audit scre…User_2025-02-05-02-16-41-526 52 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Surendra.Chakka-Oracle Expenses