Discussion List
Manage Delegations ReportSummary: Is there a seeded report that would list all the active employees that are able to create expense reports for employees? There is not a way to download to excel…
expense ReportingDear all is there any standard report by oracle for the expenses that show all the standard expense requested by the users ? or we should create one and how ? Regards Mi…
Expense mileage reportDear ALL is there any report by oracle for the expense where it give a warning for the mileage when it will reach a limit so the report will give the name of each user h…
expense rule reportDear all kindly help we need a special report where if an expense requested exceed the rule and submit with a warning the report will divide the amount exceeded by the n…
Steps to do mass adjust for expense auditing for cash advanceDear all can you please provide me the steps that allow me to do a mass audit approval for the cash advances in the auditing section Regards Mickel
expense user after deactivationDear ALL If I have a user who's requesting expenses and this employee left the company and the user was deactivated in this case what will happen to the cash advances or…
How can we find both the Invoice Numbers of a Company Paid Corporate Card lineSummary: For a Company Paid Corporate Card Transaction, there should be 2 invoices. One which is paid to the user and one which the company pays to the Corporate Card Co…
What is the implication of closing account codes associated with Expense TypesSummary: What is the implication of closing account codes associated with Expense Types Content (required): We have 7 expense types with associated account codes that we…
expense template pop upDear all, I created an expense template with all the types and policy assignment but once i click on save and close I have this small pop up that appears any help ? Rega…
Aging Credit Card Transaction ReportSummary: Is there a standard report to view Aging Credit Card Transaction Report for expenses? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
How can we do a bulk update of Expense Report Status via SOAP UISummary: We need to change the status of some 1000+ Expense Report numbers to "MGR_REJECTED". We know how to do this via SOAP UI one by one. But since there are so many …
Expense Item/Report Creation via Email (Digital Assistant)Summary: Expense Item/Report Creation via Email (Digital Assistant) Content (required): Hi Experts, i have configured the Expense Item/Report creation using "Manage Auto…
How to include attendees on the business meals seeded Expense Report template ?Summary: How to include attendees on the business meals seeded Expense Report template ? Content (required): Hello Although the user captured the attendees on the busine…
Limit invoices to own departmentSummary: Is it possible to create a report which shows only invoices which are related to your own department - and not seeing every invoice of all other departments as …
How to Add note to Conference expense screen through a SanboxSummary: How to Add note to Conference expense screen through a Sanbox Content (required): Hello I need to add a note to the screen when conference/seminars is selected.…
Auditor unable to view list of Rejected Expense ReportContent Auditor needs a list of Rejected expense report. On the Auditing page, Under Manage Expense Report task, the Expense Report Status LOV does not have "Rejected" s…
How to habilitate 'My Reporting' tab in HCM Cloud?Summary: Greetings, I have the Hr Specialist role in HCM Cloud but it seems I lack some configuration to use 'My Reporting' tab, when I search in the simulator Navigator…
Cash Advance ApproverSummary: I need to add in the Approver for a Cash Advance into a custom report. Please can someone advise where in the database I might get it and wondered if anyone mig…
How do I make the 'Puprpose' field mandatory on Expense HeaderSummary: How do I make the 'Puprpose' field mandatory on Expense Header and can I change the name from 'Purpose' to 'Employee Description' for example? Content (required…
Expense Accrual processSummary Expense Accrual processContent Hello, We have a requirement to accrue unpaid expense reports at the end of the moth. I have not see any process in Cloud. Please …
What are HZ Parties details? Is this needed to create an expense report?Summary: Error when user is trying to create an expense report Content (required): A user is trying to create an expense report, but he can't get past the tour, after he…User_2025-02-08-01-48-00-010 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-01-48-00-010 Expenses
Expense Report ErrorSummary: Content (required): How to resolve the error message below [ISSUE FOUND] There is no DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID for 6 assignment(s) row(s). L_ASSIGNMENT_ID = 30000001…
How can I fix this problem with expenses homepage?Summary: I am trying to create a expense report but I have an issue, the homepage of expenses is not how it is suppose to be, like I am missing something, I'll be thankf…
Expense Report Allowing number of days as a FieldSummary: Expense Report Allowing number of days as a Field Content (required): I am trying to get the number of days field on an expense item but I am unable to. See scr…
Report on Expense entry or approval DelegationsSummary Seeking for an easy way to monitor all Delegations set up for ExpenseContent Since we have more and more employees delegating the Expense entry or approval to ot…
Expense PolicySummary: Expense Policy Content (required): Is there a policy that will allow you to enter weekly or monthly rates? I am only seeing daily rate. For example, Miscellaneo…
Not able to search Expense report using 'Manage Expense Report Templates' taskSummary: Not able to search Expense report using 'Manage Expense Report Templates' task Content (required): We have assigned custom admin role to user with BU access but…