Does the "Allow update activities & offline sync after overnight..." affect Daily Extract?
Summary: In 'Configuration' > 'Business Rules' we are considering setting a value for "Allow update activities & offline sync after overnight..." in order to allow more time for customers to submit WMT feedback (score & comments). Currently we only use 'Overnight work' and it is set for 4 hrs past midnight (EST). If we set a value for 'Allow update activities...' will it affect the Daily Extract functionality?
Content (required): In 'Configuration' > 'Business Rules' does the "Allow update activities & offline sync after overnight..." setting affect the logic of data saving by the Daily Extract functionality, like the 'Overnight work' setting does?
For example if our 'Overnight work' setting is '4 hrs (EST time zone)' and we were to set 'Allow update activities...' to 48 hrs, would the Daily Extract only save data for activities completed more than 52 hrs ago?