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Add the default Approver before CEO in manager hierarchy.
Hi Expert,
Good day!
We are unable to include a user in workflow as default in manager hierarchy.
As per the workflow, we included approver as per supervisor hierarchy with Level10
We want one user by default after Level 9 and before Level 10
Level 10: Bethany Owen
Level 9: Al Rudeck Jr. , Josh Skelton, Nicole Johnson, Maggie Thickens, Laura Krollman
As per the existing setup, if transaction is initiated by direct reportee of Nicole Johnson, as per the manager hierarchy 9th approver will be Nicole Johnson and 10th level will be CEO >> Bethany Owen
Expected setup should be, if transaction is initiated by direct reportee of Nicole Johnson, as per the manager hierarchy 9th approver will be Nicole Johnson and next approver should be Laura Krollman and then 10th level will be CEO >> Bethany Owen