Open GRNs are migrated in PRODUCTION as Go-Live is postponed, need suggestion
Open GRNs are migrated in PRODUCTION as Go-Live is postponed, need suggestion
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We planned Go-Live with 30-June-2023 and migrated all open GRNs, accounted, reversed in GL. Due to Production POD Performance, slowness issue, unable to complete the migration, accounting in one module. Even Oracle not solved our performance issue which is keep on occurring in production instance. Due to this issues management decide to go back to previous system as all business transactions stopped from 16 days.
Now business is asking us Go-Live after 2-3 months by using same PRODUCTION instance. As we uploaded all GRNs with cut-off date 30Jun2023. How to cancel GRN additions which are migrated or how to go-live with same in Production after 3 months.