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where is 'condition start date' stored?
We have enabled 'condition start date' to be be display and edit for our sick leave. Our entity would like to require the condition start date, but because we can't configure for required, I'm needing to find where the condition start date is stored on the back end for my developer to create a FF for this requirement.
Content (required):
My sick leave requires a reason and I'm able to configure that. The requirements also expect condition start date but I'm unable to require that on configuration under the absence type>Display features>usage.
Happy to write a FF to compensate but my developer doesn't know what table to look at for this field. Below is a snapshot of the UI as an HR is submitting this absence on someone else's behalf. Where is 'Condition Start Date' stored? And is there an Oracle released tool/formula that would enable me to require it for submission?