Report Incident Grouping by Servicing Time
Hi all.
I have a report that groups incident by servicing time (using the inc_performance table and appropriate interval type filter).
Using the formula if(inc_performance.rel_time/36000>5,'More than 5 days',if(inc_performance.rel_time/36000>3&inc_performance.rel_time/36000<5,'Between 3 and 5','less than 2 days')) and count(incidents.i_id) I can count how many incidents have servicing intervals that are more than 5 days, less than 2 and in between.
However, my intention is really to group the incidents by the total amount of "servicing time", meaning the sum of servicing interval times. But I couldn't find a way to do so using reports. I could easily create a custom field that sums all the Servicing Interval times when an incident is closed using a CPM, but I would prefer to avoid custom codes at this point. Anybody have any ideas?