Complex PO schedule advance Invoice payment
We have 2 Business scenarios to be managed in Procurement cloud using Complex PO functionality and need your support and advice on the available functionality.
Scenario 1 - Having a Complex PO created for 2 work completion schedule - 10% advance (i.e. Immediate Invoice Payment) and 90% after work completion in future
Scenario 2 - Having a Complex PO created for 2 or more schedule line so that Invoices can be generated after respective schedule line work completion. Ex- Schedule Line 1 - Release of 25% Payment after work completion, Schedule Line 2 - Release of 25% after work completion, Schedule Line 3 - Release of 50% after work completion
Being Payment Terms at PO Header level, we are trying to understand how to take care of scenario-1 where we have to make an Invoice for advance payment and after work completion.