Typing an existing Ticket reference IHD-0000xxxxxx in a message should create a dynamic link
Currently in HD when we create messages or copy an existing SR e.g. typed 'this is similar to SR number xxxxx' there is not referencing automatically, we want to know if there is a way to create dynamic links that will work in our Internal Service Requests when we create messages
We want every time an agent working on the Service Request mentions another SR ticket using the ticket number format IHD-0000xxxxxx, the system will automatically generate a link to that ticket mentioned in the message.
We detected that the implementation of dynamic links will streamline communication within the system, allowing agents to quickly access related information, without the need to manually search for each ticket mentioned. Also eliminating the manually search of the tickets, we will reduce potential human error and ensure greater accuracy in cross-referencing between Service Requests. This will improve the user experience by providing faster access to relevant information