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Approval rule configuration based on DFF as override


We've requisition approvals depending on the employee job code. The business now wants to use DFF to override approvals if the requester is incorrect.

Example: Employee work code is TRST, and DFF is null; route all approvals based on job code TRST.

If the employee code is TRST but the DFF contains 'BRCT' (another job code), the system should route approvals based on BRCT rather than TRST. 

currently, we need to configure two approval rules ->

1) If DFF is null then based on the job code.

2) The DFF value is not null then based on the DFF value.

I would like to know if there is any way we can create a simple rule to route approvals based on DFF value instead of writing both rules for each job code. We have around 50 -60 job codes so would be much appreciated if there is any other simpler solution.

Howdy, Stranger!

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