Is there any standard functionality which will enable the Subscription Billing as an Order?
This is a major goods supplying company. Below is the use case:
Customer subscribes to the goods. Once the Subscription is successful, the first shipment is fulfilled as order and subsequent shipment is considered as Subscription.
i.e. Customer Subscribes to the goods on 1st April -> we create Order for 1st April and the Subscription from 1st May for the same goods.
As per the defined Billing schedule the goods should be delivered to Customer. There could be one or multiple goods in one Subscription with different frequency.
The Idea here is to create Order for every Billing schedule so that the OM will take care of the Fulfilment process of the goods. When the order is created, we have to make sure that shipping for same ship to address and Ship to date should end up as one Order. It should also have a link with the Subscription record.