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Agent Status Summary by Interval

edited May 10, 2017 7:17PM in Communication Channels 2 comments


I am trying to figure out if a modification is possible for the OOTB Chat Agent Status Summary report so that it will include all agents that are logged in during a certain interval.  The report as it is will only capture agents who log in during the interval in question.

Some background, this morning we had a ridiculous average wait time between 9 and 10.  I would like to know, during that hour what our availability numbers looked like.  With agents who started their shifts at 7 and 8 included amongst those who started at 9. 

The description in the OOTB version says "each login session that began in the time interval specified at run-time." and I am trying to include all active sessions in addition to those that begin during the interval (i.e. max time 1:00, min time 0:01).

Howdy, Stranger!

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