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Remittance does not work ONE TIME PAYMENT FBDI SPREADSHEET- 24B feature


we have tested ONE TIME PAYMENT FBDI SPREADSHEET PayablesPaymentRequestImportTemplate as per Regression test with the new 24B feature of

  1. URL Attachments
  2. Remittance Message 1
  3. Remittance Message 2
  4. Remittance Message 3

I was able to get the URL attachments, but unable to receive any remittance email. though I have populated email address column AF 'Payee E-mail address' and updated Remittance Message 1.

Please note: We are creating Payment process request for creating payments for One time payment as well as regular supplier invoice payments. In supplier invoice payments we are getting Remittance advice at email addresses provided. And same setup is being used for one time payment. So there is no issue with setup. but want to know if this feature remittance advice or message works in different way or any additional setup is required.

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