Hide TIN Number in Contact Relationship section; not from National Identifier section
Need to hide TIN Number in Contact Relationship; not from National Identifier section. This shows in the navigation: Home > Benefits Administration > Enrollment > Search Person > People to Cover > Select or Add Dependent
Reason to hide: TIN Number in Contact Relationship is not the same and not synchronized in the National Identifier. HR application uses the National Identifier. Hiding will eliminate confusion.
REFERENCES: As discussed in Doc ID 2452683.1 :
When you go to the employee's Person Management > Manage Person > Contacts tab - edit the contact > you are entering the TIN Type of Social Security Number. The information added in the Contact screen is a Flexfield and is stored in Contact Relationship table (PER_CONTACT_RELSHIPS_F) as CONT_INFORMATION1 ='SSN' and CONT_INFORMATION2 with actual SSN.