Resolution Count within 48 hours in Queue Effectiveness report
Hi everyone,
I am attempting to customize the Standard report: Queue Effectiveness to include a column for Resolution Count within 48 hours and resolution count more than 48 hours. The standard column: resolution count within 24 hours uses the incident performance interval type: Queued to initial Resolved. In the same column, i want to also include the interval type: Queued to dequeued as i think it capture those incidents that were solved (someone please correct me if am wrong). My challenges are:
1. The rules set will automatically close an incident 48 hours after a certain status is set. For example, we have a status called Preclosed. If the agent changes the status from in-progress (Unresolved) to Preclosed (waiting), the system will close (solved) the incident after 48 hours. If i set the date_diff( inc_performance.time_end, inc_performance.time_start ) < 172800, the results will be zero since none of the incidents has been closed. The 172800 seconds equals 48 hours. Any idea on how I can workout this?